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JAZ Design Company, Inc

Trends to Expect Out of 2018 Social Media

Social media seems to always be changing. From simple blurbs to larger chunks of information, and pictures to videos, social media has evolved a lot over the last few years. If you want to get the most out of your social media campaigns in 2018, it is important that you know what to be on the lookout for. Here are a few trends you should be able to count on seeing during 2018 at some point.

Augmented Reality is Becoming More Real

Here and there during 2017, augmented reality showed up. Much was to user’s delight, but some of it was a bit confusing. As the bugs got worked out, it became something more and more people looked for. Now, expect to see a whole lot of it coming out during 2018. People can look at the items they want to buy, talk about items they purchased, and even suggest options when others talk about problems through the use of augmented reality. It is surely going to become more mainstream.


Stories Are On the Rise

Many social media platforms have the ability to share stories with others. They give you the opportunity to connect posts, post a video, or even provide regular updates to people who want to know what is going on with specific events in your life. Expect to see more of them over the next year. Instagram stories are already big, but they will become so monitored that it will likely influence a lot of decisions made during the year as a whole.

Influencer Marketing is Getting Bigger By the Day

There was a huge shift towards influencer marketing during 2017, and that trend is going to continue well into 2018 (and likely beyond). Pay attention to both big and little names in niches that mean something to you. You will likely notice an influx of influencers who get paid to share their opinions about products, services, and companies in general. If you want to get in on this, you need to get your social media platforms going with large audiences to have a chance!

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